Fresh sprouts

What is a Calla lily? Beautiful by any name!
By its Latin name, they are called Zantedeschia aethiopica, but who cares? We want to talk about beautiful live flowers, not dead languages. Many people think of Calla lilies as “wedding” flowers, because they are so lovely, and often featured in bouquets

We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.
Engaging in play and leisure activities isn’t just for children – it’s an all-ages fun-for-all activity that enhances mental health and well-being. Did we stop playing after we heard “Grow up!” from adults when we were being silly and making

Fun facts about succulents!
Succulents are fascinating and popular plants for several reasons. Here are ten of the best things about succulents: Stress Relief: Gardening and tending to plants, including succulents, has been shown to have stress-reducing effects. Taking care of these plants can
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Let’s Make The World A Better Place
“Better Than Bouquets” is a movement dedicated to creating meaningful, lasting change by encouraging people to give gifts that make a difference. Instead of traditional gifts like flowers, we focus on thoughtful alternatives that have a positive impact on the world.